Nandawula Mellisa

My name is Nandawula Mellisa  I’m 4 years old I’m a student at Mastard seed Nursery School in Jjinja in Baby Class and my father

Nabawanuka Amellia

My name is Nabawanuka Amellia  I’m 8years old I’m a student at Spire primary  School in Jjinja my father cannot afford school fees for us


Exploring Children Talents

” Sed vulputate libero in ex lacinia bibendum. Nam at placerat massa. Aenean a nisl eleifend, pellentesque mi vitae, posuere dolor. Sed porttitor blandit ante.

Community Empowerment

” Proin quis iaculis risus. Sed vulputate libero in ex lacinia bibendum. Nam at placerat massa. Aenean a nisl eleifend, pellentesque mi vitae, posuere dolor.

What about it? Child sponsorship

Education Child sponsorship Child sponsorship is the most effective way to raise children out of poverty. Through our sponsorship program you can sponsor a child,

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Clean Water Facilitation Project

In this project we hope to work on borehole projects that can sustainably help the communities to access clean water since many districts in the